Mentoring Faculty
Geoffrey Attardo - molecular biology of disease vectoring insects, reproductive biology, lactaion and milk protein genes in tsetse fly, male seminal secretions, symbionts, comparative genomics (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Chris Barker - Ecology and epidemiology of mosquitoborne viruses (School of Veterinary Medicine)
David Begun - Population genetics and molecular evolution with Drosophila (Department of Evolution and Ecology)
Jason Bond - Systematics, taxonomy, and evolution of terrestrial arthropods with an emphasis on arachnids and myriapods; molecular, morphological, and ecological approaches to study questions related to evolutionary diversification at multiple hierarchical levels (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Joanna Chiu - Insect Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Lark Coffey - arthropod-borne virus ecology and evolution, veterinary disease, West Nile virus, mosquito-borne virus, RNA virus genetics (School of Veterinary Medicine)
Stacey Combes - the physical interaction between flying insects and their environment, and on how physiology, morphology and behavior contribute to the performance of ecologically relevant flight behaviors (Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
Anthony J. Cornel - Medical entomology (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Bryce Falk - molecular and cell biology, molecular genetics of the plant viruses, chemical engineering, RNAi (Department of Plant Pathology)
Janet Foley - the ecology and epidemiology of infectious diseases in complex communities, epidemiology (School of Veterinary Medicine)
Jennifer Gremer - the interaction of species’ traits with the environment; population and community dynamics; physiology and demography; life history evolution, population dynamics, and the maintenance of diversity in communities (Department of Evolution and Ecology)
Ian M. Grettenberger - applied insect ecology, agricultural systems, the role of non-crop habitat in pest species biology, integrated pest management (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Fumika Hamada - molecular and neural mechanisms of temperature homeostasis, circadian clock, sensory experience, body temperature and thermoregulation, Drosophila
Bruce Hammock - Insect biochemistry, environmental toxicology, analytical chemistry, mammalian enzymology (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Susan P. Harrison – Plant ecology, diversity, and conservation (Department of Environmental Science and Policy).
Marcel Holyoak – Spatial ecology (Department of Environmental Science and Policy).
Brian Johnson - genetics, behavior, evolution, and health of honey bees. (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Richard Karban - Insect ecology (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Danny Karp - conservation and production in agro-ecosystems; observational, experimental, modeling, laboratory, and synthetic approaches; agro-ecology, conservation biology, environmental economics, evolutionary ecology, and molecular biology (Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology)
Artyom Kopp – genetic basis of morphological evolution (Department of Evolution and Ecology).
Charles Langley - genetics and population biology (Department of Evolution and Ecology)
Gregory Lanzaro – Genetics of vector-borne diseases (Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology)
Walter Leal - Insect physiology (Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology)
Susan Lott - Evolution of development; evolutionary genetics; gene regulation; robustness and plasticity of developmental processes; life history traits (Department of Evolution and Ecology)
Neil McRoberts - Understanding how plant disease epidemics and other phenomena arise out of the interactions between people, agriculture, the environment, and wider ecosystems (Department of Plant Pathology)
Emily Meineke - Urban insect ecology and evolution; experiments, the effects of global change on species and their interactions; observations, citizen science, and biological collections (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Brian Moore - development and application of statistical phylogenetic methods, lineage diversification, character evolution, and biogeographic history (Department of Evolution and Ecology)
Felicity Muth - cognitive ecology of wild-foraging and lab-based bumblebees, anthropogenic effects on bee behavior and cognition (Department of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior)
Steve Nadler - Speciation, character evolution, host-symbiont cophylogeny, and molecular evolution (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Christian Nansen - Insect ecology and management, agroecology (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Elina L. Niño - Honey bee biology, health, and breeding, behavior, reproductive physiology, genomics, chemical ecology, sociology of beekeeping. (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Kassandra Ori-McKenny - kinase pathways that regulate the cytoskeleton during neuronal development and maintenance, genomic engineering in Drosophila melanogaster (Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology)
Katherine Ralston - Host-pathogen interactions in amoebic colitis; cell death and survival pathways (Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics)
Santiago Ramirez - Evolution, adaptation, and speciation of plant-pollinator mutualisms. Comparative and population genomics of bees and their associated host plants. Phylogenetics, chemical ecology, neuroethology, and natural history of insect-plant interactions (Department of Evolution and Ecology)
Sebastian Schreiber - theoretical ecology and mathematics (Department of Evolution and Ecology)
Priya Shah - viruses and engineering, virus replication, global proteomics, genetics, high-throughput sequencing, microscopy and synthetic biology (Departments of Chemical Engineering and Microbiology and Molecular Genetics)
Arthur Shapiro - Ecology and evolution of butterflies (Department of Evolution and Ecology)
Shahid Siddique - plant-parasitic nematodes, cell surface signaling in nematode-plant interaction, identification and functional characterization of nematode secretory proteins, molecular diagnostic tools for plant-parasitic nematodes, biocontrol of plant-parasitic nematodes
Andy Sih– Behavioral, conservation, and community ecology (Department of Environmental Science and Policy).
Donald Strong - Community and population biology (Department of Evolution and Ecology)
Rachel Vannette - Ecology of plant-microbe interactions, chemical ecology, mutualism, tradeoffs, nectar, plant-pollinator interactions, above-belowground interactions, molecular ecology (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Philip S. Ward - Systematics and evolutionary biology of ants (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Neal M. Williams - Pollination ecology (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Louie H. Yang - Community ecology, species interactions, climate change ecology, phenology (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Former faculty mentors (not accepting students)
James R. Carey - Insect demography (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Clare Casteel - Molecular biology, chemical ecology, genetics, genomics and biochemistry; plant-vector interactions; plant-microbe-interactions; plant-insect-interactions; plant signaling and defense; global change (Department of Plant Pathology)
Ed Caswell-Chen - integrated pest management and ecology of nematodes in agroecosystems (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Ann Hedrick – Behavioral ecology (Department of Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior)
Lynn Kimsey - Biology and evolution of insects, Bohart Museum of Entomology, biodiversity, science communication, education and outreach (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Robert B. Kimsey - Forensic entomology (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Sharon Lawler - Aquatic ecology (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Jay A. Rosenheim - ecology, evolution, and agriculture; behavioral and evolutionary ecology in agroecosystems; predator-prey, parasitoid-host, pathogen-host, and plant-insect interactions (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Steve Seybold - chemical ecology of forest insects (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Maureen L. Stanton – Plant evolutionary ecology (Department of Evolution and Ecology)
Sharon Y. Strauss - Community and population ecology (Department of Evolution and Ecology)
Michael Turelli - Theoretical population and quantitative genetics, mathematical biology (Department of Evolution and Ecology)
Diane Ullman - Insect vectors of plant pathogens (Department of Entomology and Nematology)
Frank G. Zalom - Integrated pest management (Department of Entomology)